Tuesday, April 16, 2013

itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot.....NAILS?!?!

Hello All,

First order of business.....Essie is sending out FREE samples of their apricot cuticle oil! I use this stuff like its my JOB and I absolutely love it! All you need to do is fill out a little question sheet online and they will be ship you a sample in 6 to 8 weeks! Click here to go directly to the link!

Materials for today's blog post:
1.Base & top coat
2. Nail lacquer(s)
3.One Bobby pin with ball tips (bend this so that the ball tips are NOT TOUCHING. See picture below directions for help)

Once you have all of these items pick out select a little area to work at. I know this is weird but sometimes I stand! Anyone else stand while painting their nails or am I the only freak who does this!? Anyways, start by paint all nails the desired colors. I used 5 different colors one being a glitter polish. Apply the amount of coats you need to get a good coverage from the lacquers on the nail. Let nails dry. I only waiting like 3 minutes or so. Once they are dry grab the bent bobby pin and dip it in the lacquer color you planned to use for the polka dots ( I used black). HELPFUL HINT: What I found works the best was leaving the bottle of lacquer unscrewed and open all while keeping the brush still inside the bottle. I simply just picked up the brush and lightly touched the brush full of paint to my bobby pin ball tip. I did have to go back a couple times to reapply because the color wasn't coming out as dark as I wanted. The other way you could do this is by taking the nail brush out and setting in down on something like a plastic bag ( this will make a mess) and dip the bobby pin ball tip directly into the bottle. I found that this was extremely messy!! Not only did the brush make a mess from all the access  lacquer all over the plastic bag but as I dipped the bobby pin into the bottle the paint got all over the sides of the bobby pin! This ultimately left me with black nail polish alllll ovvvveeerr my hands! NOT A CUTE LOOK! So after you apply all the polka dots to the desired nails let them dry for a little while. This prevents the polka dots from smudging while applying top coat. Once you feel that the polka dots are dry apply top coat!

Nail Laquers Used: Opi Golden Eye, Opi Black Onyx, Opi Rumple's Wiggin, Essie A Crewed Interest, Essie Turquoise & Caicos

I kept with the spring trend and painted my nails pastels with black polka dots. I cant wait to change up this look and do all glitter nails with colored polka dots! This would also be super cute in the summer while wearing a 50's style polka dot bikini! The options are endless with this one girls!

I hope you enjoyed! If you try out this trend or a past trend let me know by posting a picture on instagram with the hashtag #ManiMondaybyLMAtrends


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