Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pink on pink on pink!

1. One coat of ESSIE Fiji
2. Two coats of  ESSIE We're in it together

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What I'm loving....

Few things I'm loving...

Audrey From Lilas Chocolat
So these are the infamous initial bracelets that are all over Pinterest! How cute are they? Lilas Chocolat has so many great pieces in the shop! It was so hard to choose just one! Seriously, check this shop out!!

Christine from TINN LILY
Not sure of $
TINN LILY is on vacation until June 15th. You can check out sold items from the past by clicking here.

Jessica from NoraCate
I mean, HOW FLIPPING CUTE! Jessica from NoraCate is Wonder Woman with a capital W! She is a mom that named her shop after her daughter, makes all the jewelry, does all her own packaging, takes all the photos from the shop, answers emails...the list goes on and on! If you are shopping for a lovely soft looking jewelry set you have come to the right place. Not only does she make earrings, necklaces, and bracelets but she also makes bookmarks and hair pins. Even if you cant buy anything, just stop over at her shop to look at  her amazing packaging!
NoraCate supplied a coupon code for 10% OFF coupon! How awesome!?!?
10% OFF 
use coupon code: MANIMONDAY10
This coupon will be available throught September 2013
THANK YOU NoraCate! 

Angela Gillet from Cutting Crazy Vinyl Designs
Cutting Crazy has so many things to look at but the one thing I love the most are the nail monograms! They come in all different sizes and fonts! She even has an extra small decal for kids nails! Other items in shop include iphone/ipad button monogramrain boot monogram, and personalized vinyl monogram for the car.

Rose gold: $39.99 & Silver $31.95
So you all know how much I love monogrammed items. I've had my eye on purchasing a monogram necklace forever! I had been looking at a ton of different places until I finally found Personalized Necklace. The price was right! I even bought 2 necklaces from her! When I contacted her about the feature on the blog she was nice enough to send me a lovely monogram necklace!! REALLY? Like how nice is that! I'm totally even more in love with the necklaces than I thought I would be! I wear them EVERYDAY ALL DAY! When I purchased I did get the $21.00 FedEx shipping since the necklace comes from Israel. If you are looking for monogram jewelry I HIGHLY recommend shopping with Karen!

Nicole from NLP Natural Designs
Leg garter: $20.00 & Headpiece: $9.75
I totally want these pieces! How amazing are these for summer! Especially the leg garter. NLP Natural Designs also has a ton of different options of headpieces that I love. OH, and if you are a tiny knuckle ring person, Nicole has you covered! 

Sara & Betsy from Two Peaches Design
SO MANY CUTE PILLOWS!! I'm having such a hard time choosing what pillows I want to order! If you are looking for a perfect engagement, shower, or wedding gift check out their Mr. & Mrs pillows. They have a couple different designs. Here are a few of my other favorite pillows. Monogram pillowhey ya'll pillow, and the praise God pillow. If I don't stop now I will never stop listing pillows! 
Two peaches designs are also provide my readers with a 15% OFF coupon! How nice!?!?
15% OFF 
use coupon code: MANI15
This coupon will be available for one month

Madison from pj & poppy
Pj & poppy has a dreamy shop over at etsy. Not only does she have these pastel tassels but she makes them in just about every color you could possibly think of! Madison also makes BEAUTIFUL necklaces and bracelets full of color!! Gorgeous, just gorgeous! I'm really obsessed with a lot of her awesome bracelet sets! She was also kind enough to send me a beautiful keychain tassel! Keep an eye out on my instagram for a picture!

If you end up purchasing any items from these shops please leave a comment letting me know what you purchased!! 


*Please keep in mind that I am in no way sponsored by any of these companies. These are my own opinions! I was not paid to say anything about these products!! Also, all the pictures used in this blog are from each stores etsy account. I did contact to get permission to use each and every picture on this blog. If I was send something it was NOT because I asked or demanded a payment.
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Monday, May 27, 2013

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Wear blue for ME!

Hey dolls,

Today I am going to be getting very personal all in the name of awareness! May is rheumatoid arthritis awareness month and this is something near and dear to my heart.

I am the face of RA

Some of you may be thinking " what is rheumatoid arthritis?" RA is a chronic autoimmune disease that attacks joints, joint tissue, and organs in the body causing them to become inflamed, eroded, and painful. There is no cure for RA. This disease doesn't discriminate. It sucks the life out of young children, teens, people who are getting married, healthy people, older people, ect. The medication to help combat your own body from attacking itself is just as scary! Chemo therapy, injectable medication that "may cause cancer", steroids that make you gain tons and tons of weight..oh and lets not forget about the side effect called "moon face". Its hard to keep putting pills in your mouth that should be helping you but are slowly killing you. 

I want to share with you a little of my story. Trust me, you don't have time for the entire story and I most likely cant remember it all. I have been a dancer since I was 3 years old. A very active young child that loved to be outside. Our neighborhood was filled with some of the best friends a family could ever have. All of the houses that surround mine had kids my age, a couple years older, as well as a couple years younger. We had a huge hill by our house that we climbed and run around on. Well, early on when I was a kid I started getting agonizing pains when I would lay down. I would scream BLOODY MURDER. My parents did everything they could to comfort me but nothing worked. All of the doctors that checked me out said I was fine. I was just going through growing pains they told us. My mother thought otherwise but trusted that the doctors knew what they were talking about. It was obvious early on in life that I was VERY flexible and double jointed. I mean I could put my hands behind my back and bring them forward without letting go. Creepy, I know.Once I demonstration this to my doctor. They doctors then diagnosed me with benign hypermobility joint syndrome. That basically means my joints are very loose. A simple rolled ankle turns into a disaster as my body cant just bounce back like a normal person. Once everything is stretched, its stretched and most likely torn. By this time I'm in high school and have chronic pain but just ignore it. I'm building up a really high pain tolerance that will be needed later on in life! So, one day I'm walking in the mall and my knee pops. That started the never ending surgeries. I've had 3 knee and one wrist all for dislocations of joint. By now, I'm in college and constant crying, screaming pain. I'm lost, I feel alone. Now I start seeking answers. The answers that I have as of right now are very complex. I was told by one doctor that she had never seen a young girl like me with such a complex case. She even wanted to write a book! ha! I know a lot of other people that have it way worse than I. I feel blessed that I can still walk most of the time, still talk, and enjoy things I want to do. Anyways, I have RA, fibromyalgia ehlers-danlos syndrome , mitral valve prolapse , insomnia due to pain, along with countless joint dislocations. My doctor says I constantly get sports related injury's (from just doing everyday things that I need to do to live) that would take a athlete out of the game..and I don't even notice its happened. The mental, emotional, and physical strain this puts on a person is so heavy. The one thing I really hate the most about all of this is when I get emotional about something someone else says to me about my disease. I've had people say "well you look fine, you don't look sick." That's like me saying " your eyes look fine from where I'm standing, they don't look like they need glasses"  ANNOYING!! I haven't even talked about the strain it takes on family members, husbands/wives, loves ones, friends! My husband is a saint and thank God a firefighter. I know its totally hard for the both of us. We fight because of my disease, we cry, he stays strong and I break down. He's my husband, my doctor, my nurse, my pharmacy, my driver, my chef, my guardian angle. He feeds me when I cant pick up a spoon or lift my head because I'm so tired due to fighting pain. Hes on call 24/7 with me and the fire house because he knows today could be a day that my wife dislocates her hip again and might need surgery. I'm so blessed that my husband has the help of my my entire family as well. They all take shifts "babysitting" me!  My mom, my dad, my brother, my friends, my mother in law all do it. I am so blessed to have such a support group. I don't know how I would get through one day of my life without them...

Wow. That was a lot and its not even 1/2 of my 
story! I hope you found this informational. I linked some websites if you want to look more into any of the diseases listed above. Please spread the word, raise awareness & wear blue!  If you have any questions please leave a comment below!

spending my day getting hours of IV medication.
I sprayed my walker! Now I gave people something to look at! :)
What my knee looks like with some inflammation

Now, back to the nails!
I wear blue for the cure


Wednesday, May 22, 2013



I'm back from Kentucky!! I had so much fun ya'll! Oh, and you have no idea how many people stopped me to ask me about my nails and toes! Honestly, people at the stores, people I was with, strangers walking by, ect! The age range also varied. Here are some pictures from my trip to Kentucky!
 woohoo Louisville, KY
 The house I stayed at. How beautiful is that?
 Beautiful rose
Myself going shopping for the day!

Anyways, back to the update! Okay so here are my nails after 8 days! I did take my nails off on the 8th day. I'm someone who polishes their nails every other day. IT WAS KILLING ME TO HAVE THE SAME POLISH ON FOR SO LONG! SERIOUSLY! So, the wraps looked great, I had a little lifting on the sides of my nails but that was about it. I was also so surprised when I took the wraps off and saw how good my nails looked. They are longer and stronger! Check it out! 

 day 8
 day 8
 day 8
 day 8
 day 8
 day 8
day 8

Isn't that unreal! I mean I thought I was just going to get cool nails for a while. Not stronger better looking nails! I did keep my toe wraps on to see how long they would last before they started looking icky. Well, we are on day 13 and they still look brand new!! Believe it or not, most people noticed my toe wraps before my finger wraps...weird! haha! 
day 13

So that's how my toes look on day 13!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?1?! They look brand new!!! I'm totally in love with jamberry NAILS! I hope you guys buy and try them! You will not be disappointed! I have an online party open with my friend Maggie & jamberry NAILS. You can click here shop, check out, and pay! Maggie will then send you your order to your house when its ready! So to go a little more in detail, once you are finished shopping and have clicked "CHECK OUT", follow the instructions on the website until you hit the next page that will say "REVIEW ORDER". You will then see Maggie name as the consultant. Then, under that will be the word "PARTY" and an option to select who's  party you are shopping with. All you need to do is click the party selection and scroll down to "LAUREN STELLATO". That's me!!  Super easy! . Leave a comment below if you have any questions! I will be sure to get back to you!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

jamberry NAILS


Today we are talking all about jamberry NAILS.First, I wanted to take a second to thank jamberry for sending me a package of some nail wraps!! That was so unbelievably nice of you guys and I SOOO appreciate it!

(my package from jamberry!)

So, jamberry NAILS are soo amazing guys! I swear! I'm not getting paid to say this, I don't work for the company, and in no way was I ever told what to say. This is my own honest opinion of the product. I would never lie to y'all. This product is the top of the line. I was totally freaked out about this product wondering how well this would work with my nails. My nails are soooooooo FRUSTRATING! They grow super fast, polish never stays on long, and I've had problems with nail wraps in the past (the Sally Hansen ones). NOTHING really sticks to my nails..NOT EVEN THE FLIPPING NO CHIP!!! I swear, I get a no chip manicure and then the next day, BAM, my polish is peeling! I know many people love it and it lasts for them but for whatever reason my nails are jerks and they hate it! Anyways, so I was totally like "idk, will this work, the other types of nails wraps don't work". Then I started seeing other people with them on Instagram. Hey, if it works for them maybe it will work for me. So I looked it up and found out jamberry wraps are all heat activated! I LOVE IT!! I thought that this has got to be the solution for me! This product IS going to work! AND IT DOES!!!!!!! You have no idea how excited I am. Not only does it work for my nails but, they are super easy to apply, they come in tons of awesome designs, and you can have a nail party with jamberry NAILS!! So while online looking at peoples nail wraps I found a consultant named Maggie. I loved the nail wraps she had on in her picture. I left her a comment telling her I loved her nails!! Well, we hit it off and started talking, mainly me asking questions about her nails and jamberry as a company. Now, Maggie and I have teamed up to offer an online jamberry NAILS party!! Its super easy! For a month you will be able to buy from a party that I am hosting! Its so cool that all of its done online! You don't even need to leave your house! All you have to do it click here, shop, check out, and pay! Maggie will then send you your order to your house when its ready! So to go a little more in detail, once you are finished shopping and have clicked "CHECK OUT", follow the instructions on the website until you hit the next page that will say "REVIEW ORDER". You will then see Maggie name as the consultant. Then, under that will be the word "PARTY" and an option to select who's  party you are shopping with. All you need to do is click the party selection and scroll down to "LAUREN STELLATO". That's me!!  Super easy! If you don't want to purchase from the party you can ALWAYS purchase straight from the jamberry website or you can purchase from Maggie here on her jamberry website without entering a party! If you have any questions you can contact Maggie directly! She is a totally amazing person, so sweet! I know I had tons of crazy questions for her and she answered all of them! Oh, also, you can get in contact with a consultant in your neighborhood by clicking here. Once you fill out a quick form a consultant will contact you. Then all you do is set a day, get a group of friends together, and have a party!!

Now down to the application of nails. Really easy. I think with anything practice makes perfect! This was my first time applying the wraps and I think they came out great. I do have a few lines in the nails but that's because I  didn't do a good job of smoothing the wraps out after applying it to each nails. Basically how to achieve awesome nails is by:

these are my instructions & how I applied them. You will receive instructions from jamberry when get your order

1. prepping your nails. Remove polish, push back cuticles, and cut if desired.
2. clean your unpolished nails with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. This cleans off any natural oils and dirty from the nail.

3.Fit your nails with the appropriate sized nails wrap. Make sure you don't go onto the skin. That will encourage the wrap to lift away from the nail.

4. Peal half the nail wrap off and cut in down the middle.

5. Apply heat via a blow-dryer to the adhesive side of the wrap until flexible. Then apply wrap to nails and firmly push to seal the wrap onto the nails. Make sure to apply pressure all the way around the base of the nail and around all the curves. You can also use a cuticle pusher to apply pressure and to smooth the wrap. jamberry suggests doing so.

6. Trim the remaining wrap with scissors or cuticle clippers. File the edge of the nail in a downward motion to remove any leftover wrap. 

7. Apply a second round of heat and pressure with the blow-dryer to create a tighter bond!

This is how my finish product looked!

 I know.. I have Fred Flintstone feet!
 I always apply cuticle cream after I do my nails! I totally love the BURT'S BEES cuticle cream. This is always in my purse!

 Shoes are from Target: Mossimo Sandal


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